






How marriage words evolved over centuries


Recent announcements on Equally Wed, a platform for planning LGBTQ+ weddings, reveal couples choosing nontraditional words to describe themselves and their celebrations. Broom is a combination of bride and groom, and is used by nonbinary people who feel they don’t fit neatly into either category; so is gride. A gender-neutral word for people committing themselves to one another is marrier. These aren’t the first changes in the words for a wedding’s most crucial participants. Even man and wife, husband, and groom were once innovations.

LGBTQ+婚礼策划平台Equally Wed最近发布的公告显示,情侣们选择非传统的词语来描述自己和他们的庆祝活动。Broom是新娘和新郎的合成词,非二元性的人使用这个词,因为他们觉得自己既不属于新郎,也不属于新娘;girde这个词也和broom一样。对彼此承诺的人们来说,一个中性的词是已婚者(marrier)。对于婚礼上最重要的参与者来说,这并不是第一次发生变化。甚至男人和妻子、丈夫和新郎都曾经是新兴概念。

In school, I was taught that man and mankind were “universal” words that included women, though this seemed specious even to 8-year-old me, and such usage is now discouraged. In Old English, though, it was true, for the most part. In a 10th-century homily, Christ is described as “the son of one man,” that “man” being the Virgin Mary; in a retelling of Genesis, God created “the two men, Adam and Eve.” “Man” must mean “human being” or “person,” or these lines make no sense.


When Old English writers wanted to specify someone’s sex, they often used wer for males and wif for females. Another homily relates that in the beginning God created “twegen [two] men, wer & wif” – two humans, man and woman, male and female. In Old English, wif sometimes meant “wife” as well as “female person,” and wer could mean “husband” as well as “male person.” But while wife endures as the word we know today, wer disappeared around 1200, now found only in the compound name of a mythical monster, the werewolf. At the same time man narrowed its meaning from “human” to “male human” in particular.



  • over/?o?v?r/ prep. 在…期间;
  • LGBTQ+ 女同性恋者(lesbians)、男同性恋者(gays)、双性恋者(bisexuals)、跨性别者(transgender)和酷儿(queer)的英文字母缩略词;
  • nonbinary/?nɑ?n?ba?n?ri/ adj. 非二进制的;
  • neatly/?nitl?/ adv. 整齐地;恰好地;极好地;
  • either /?i?e?r/ det.(两者中的)每个,各方的;
  • commit sb. to sth. 承诺,保证(做某事、遵守协议或遵从安排等);
  • specious/?spi???s/ adj. 似是而非的;貌似有理的;
  • homily/?hɑ?m?li/ n.(有关规矩等的)说教,说教作品;
  • line/la?n/ n. (尤指为达到某种目的说的)话,言语;
  • specify/?spes?fa?/ vt. 具体说明;明确规定;详述;详列;
  • as well as 以及,既…又…,除…之外(也),此外;
  • mythical/?m?θ?kl/ adj. 神话的;神话里的;
  • narrow/?n?ro?/ vt. 使窄小;变窄;缩小;


文本选自:The Christian Science Monitor(********)

作者:Melissa Mohr

原文发布时间:12 Dec. 2022


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